Tuesday 31 May 2011

Auckland's Bus Service

In Auckland,  buses are a convenient form of transportation.  The bus service, (See Image 1) provides transport for thousands of people daily and there are a number of bus stops situated throughout Auckland, linking many areas to each other. 
Image 1: An example of an Auckland bus service.
Source: Maharaj 2011.
For me personally, buses are more convenient to catch because they stop right outside university. However I rarely use the bus service because it is highly unreliable and unpredictable. While buses aim to run on a timetable, because Auckland roading does not have the capacity to establish bus lanes along all of the main roads that the buses travel on, these buses often get stuck in traffic, causing them to arrive late. There are times that I have only had to wait for 10mintues for my bus to arrive. However there are also times that I have had to wait for more than half an hour. This also means that at times, when the roads are quiet, I could get to uni within 15 minutes. Other times it can take between 30 and 40 minutes. This is what I mean about buses being unreliable..

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