Sunday 5 June 2011

Walking - our most sustainable form of transportation

Walking within Auckland has not yet become popular. Although there are people that do walk to and from work and school, this is only a small proportion of Aucklanders. While this is largely due to services and facilities not being within walking distance, Aucklanders generally, are just lazy. I always see people catch Auckland City’s free bus just to go from downtown to the middle of Queen Street. This is approximately a 7-10 minute walk on flat land however Aucklanders find even a small distance like this to be difficult.

Walking must be encouraged in Auckland. It is free, it keeps us fit and healthy and it is the most sustainable form of transportation.

The walking environment within Auckland is well maintained on some streets however the quality of footpaths differs between areas. It is in quiet side streets that the quality of footpaths tends to go down. Auckland needs to upgrade these footpaths as it is these streets that pedestrians will often use as short cuts to get to places. Footpaths in Auckland range in width however the majority of these footpaths are approximately 2m. This is the ideal width as it provides every person with the opportunity to travel along these footpaths, including those in wheelchairs, who require at least 2m of space to travel comfortably, (Department of Transport 2004)

Pedestrian crossings are placed strategically along roads and those that are walking can also cross the road at the lights, with signage instructing drivers to give way to pedestrians, (See Image 1). This ensures safety for those wanting to walk.

Image 1: An example of signage on an Auckland road that provides safety for pedestrians
Source: Maharaj 2011
So there are provisions for walking. The challenge is raising awareness of the benefits of walking, getting people out on those streets and getting them motivated to walk.   

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